About Us

Zachariah DeCook

Email: ZJD email
Site: zachdecook.com
Github: earboxer

Born in the 90s, started programming in the 00s, got a job in the 10s.

Looking forward to see what the next couple of decades bring.

Micah Ng

Email: Ng email
Github: alpha0010

Ng profile

I am a graduating computer science and mathematics major with a special interest in big data. With these skills, I hope to enter research in the machine learning field. As a back end programmer, I enjoy low level coding to include my mathematics knowledge in squeezing out greater performance. However, I am not afraid to step up to high level languages for quick scripting and glue code.

I have extensive experience with search. Through my internship with CCEL, I built, from ground zero, the search engine backing PreachingandWorship.org. Also, I implemented significant performance improvements for the search component of Hymnary.org.

When I run into bugs or missing features in libraries I use, I generally try my own hand at resolving them and submitting the patches to the open source community. As time allows, I also do primary development for several open source projects. I am a member of Code::Blocks and Webgrind.

My hobbies include nature photography and piano.